Stained glass coconut jelly squares … Awesome sweet desert plate

This is certainly not my creation, it’s been around for a while now, I’ve simply modified it to be intensive suitable. The milk used is from the allowance as noted

Christmas mug pudding with brandy “custard” … Challenge delivered !

Firstly, it needs to be noted by all my readers that this mug pudding is “intensive suitable” for people with a BMI over 40 but an egg white has been used. It

You can have your cake & eat it too … Spiced carrot cupcakes, made from just veggies !

Firstly, please don’t be scared of this recipe, it’s really simple ! No beating or fancy techniques – just grating, heating, mixing, baking and eating. I’ve included some “in-action” pics

Non-tummy rumbling gummi lollies to the rescue !

After a few very unsatisfactory attempts at fulfilling the sweet tooth with the store bought “sugar free” lollies and a tummy that felt like it was going to explode, introducing

Caramel Slice & Jelly Slice

Did it “just for fun” with some leftover bars n shakes hanging around to see how it would go – Still tastes like Optifast so don’t get too over excited,