Quick & easy condiments … Gran’s Cucumber Pickles & a Red Onion Chutney

My mother in law does these fantastic red capsicum pickles, they are super sweet but tart at the same time. Really yummy. This reminded me of the awesome benefits of

I just made bread … out of just cauliflower, super low cal & carb flat bread. Vegan + grain, gluten & nut-free !

Well, holy grail number II done ! Yes this is a slightly technical recipe, but nothing too out of reach of anyone at all. All you need is a cauliflower,

Pizza ! Vegan, Egg free, veggies only, very scrummy

Finally I’ve tweaked this recipe enough for it to stand up against its egg white competitors. Of course egg whites have very little cal and no carb, but this base

Good old layered salad re-invented, make day before, great for lunch on the go

Look, I was tempted to do it in those trendy mason jars AKA food blog style as it would look far better, but you know, I wanted to eat it,

Veggie hash browns, aka burger, patty, pattie, fritter :)

A quickie, I’ve been making and eating these for a while now, so thought I had best get the recipe up before they become old news in my mind and

Super duper vegan Caesar salad !

Banging out the recipe as I shovel this salad in, I am so pleased with the result. I’ve tried to make it as quick and easy as possible. You can

First salad … Welcome sun ! Grain-free Middle eastern tabbouleh

Here comes the sun ! Had a casual BBQ lunch with a few family members today, so thought it was time to get my salad hat on. Cannot wait to

Chunky take on Cauliflower soup … Creamy vegetable chowder :)

Weather has turned here today, cold, wet and grey. Love my soup, so thought I would try a chunky vegetable chowder. Traditional one has potato, flour, butter and bacon as

Hearty mushroom stroganoff with pappardelle, great mid week dinner

Just before the first buds of spring, I had to get in my version of mushroom stroganoff. The pappardelle pasta is a good texture but needs a hearty chunky sauce

Welcome spring ! Pad Thai with roasted “nuts” … Time to lighten up

Lip smacking tasty Pad Thai for lunch today. Have felt like it for ages, but had to think how to recreate all the different flavours and textures. The verdict was