Creamy tomato & carrot soup … one pot quick go-to !

Absolutely love this soup, my lovely mother-in-law made a version of this many years ago with potato and it has stayed as a family favourite. I have simply substituted the

Good old deep fried Dim Sim reinvented !

Well after a rather busy and stressful move, Opti Cook is back in the kitchen ! I’ve been trying this one for a while now, finally got a good combo

Vegan “Kentucky Fried Copy-Cat chicken” cauli pieces – Finger lickin’ good mumma !

This will be my last recipe for a few days, as we are moving house, tomorrow is the start of a series of D-Days !  So, I will keep it

The kids are alright … with Hearty “meatballs” in a rich tomato sauce

A Monday night quickie, “meatballs” in a rich tomato sauce. Son loves meatballs, I don’t as I’ve been vegetarian for as long as I can remember, thought I’d try a

You can have your cake & eat it too … Spiced carrot cupcakes, made from just veggies !

Firstly, please don’t be scared of this recipe, it’s really simple ! No beating or fancy techniques – just grating, heating, mixing, baking and eating. I’ve included some “in-action” pics

Ottoman Cabbage Rolls, winner for all the fam-bam & so very filling

Felt like something filling, had a half cabbage in the fridge. Thought of cabbage rolls but after all that Russian cabbage soup, just wanted some different flavour .. welcome a

Another quickie … Best mash recipe, with one simple added step … and some spicy tid-bits = Aloo Bharta

Look, I’m such a sucker for a mash. Especially though shall remain nameless ending an “ato” mash. Also a sucker for flavour. So combined those two suckers together and made

Macaroni cheese, ultimate dreary weather comfort food & finally a “cheese” sauce I love !

Yes, finally, I’ve made a cheese sauce recipe I love to eat. There are many out there, most using nutritional yeast as the cheese flavour. Well. High carbs in that

Yakisoba noodles, so very simple and so very delicious !

A little like good old Chow Mien, but with the depth of flavour of Japanese dishes. Delicious street food reinvigorated for the Optifaster’s taste buds (or restrictive list , one

Kill-a-kilo soup version with lower cal & half the carb, Welcome “Shchi” Russian cabbage soup

Gave the Kill-a-kilo soup a whirl this week. Personally, found it way too sweet for my liking, even minus the french onion soup mix, especially after drinking the sweet shakes