Yakisoba noodles, so very simple and so very delicious !

A little like good old Chow Mien, but with the depth of flavour of Japanese dishes. Delicious street food reinvigorated for the Optifaster’s taste buds (or restrictive list , one

A Monday night quickie … welcome Okonomiyaki mini

Well after all the tex-mex delights yesterday and a big huge mega craving for plain old toast averted … I gritted my teeth and whipped up some Okonomiyakis (Japanese pancakes)

Tex-mex feastin’ time y’all ! + recipe for pulled cabbage tostadas !

Tex-mex feast has arrived. It was such a fun thing to cook. I admit being a bit scared of Mexican because it has such a high carb load I wondered

Mayo, yes, mayonnaise, come to mamma !

Mayo, the holy grail of non-allowed foods. I’ve been experimenting for a while to make one opti friendly. There’s many cauli ones out there, mainly raw food ones, which I’ve

Cauliflower cheddar cheese slices

Prepare to enter the vegan twilight zone … Now look, settle down, these aren’t literally like the ones you buy in the fridge section. But they do have their uses

Tex-Mex pulled pork, ah-la cabbage ….

Someone asked me to to try to copy Pork Belly. Now, I cannot think of any way of doing this Opti intensive friendly that wouldn’t break all the rules in

Tortillas, no egg white = holy grail = done !

Well, I’ve done it. I used to make the cauliflower tortillas with egg whites. After a fellow opti person who shall remain unidentified (Annie) reminded me about agar-agar I’ve been

Bring a plate or night shift = Trio of dips

It’s always a bit tricky when you go out of the comforts of home and are faced with endless plates of food you’d prefer not to be tempted with ! These

Field mushroom burgers with caramelised red onion chutney – sugar, gluten, nut & oil free

Hi all !  Felt like a burger, felt like red onion chutney. So set my mind to it, and result was YUM YUM ! & oil free too !  So

Spicy vegan cauliflower hommus dip

Cauli hummus is great & fills you up, can eat as much as you like. Make it as spicy as you like too, keeps well in the fridge for up to